Modeling and Simulating Blockchain Systems


In this talk, I claim that there is a need for a simulation framework, which is develop as a software using modern engineering approaches (e.g., modularity - i.e. model reuse-, testing, continuous development and continuous integration, automated management of builds, dependencies and docu- mentation) and agile principles, (1) to make rapid prototyping of industrial cases and (2) to carry out their feasibility analysis in a realistic manner (i.e., to test hypothesis by simulating complex experiments involving large numbers of participants of different types acting in one or several blockchain systems).

Dec 9, 2020 13:00 — 13:30
Paris Blockchain Week Summit 2020
Paris, France
Önder Gürcan
Senior Researcher

My research interests include multi-agent systems, collective intelligence, self-organization and self-adaptation, simulation of biological systems, distributed clock synchronization and behavioural economics.
