
Mohamed Aimen Djari

Sorbonne Université

Internship Topic: Implementation of the Tendermint Protocol in an Agent-based Simulator

Defense Date: 02 September 2019

Supervisors: Önder Gürcan


Blockchain is a technology for recording and transmitting information, transparent, secure, and operating without a central control body [1]. A blockchain constitutes a history which contains all the exchanges made between its users since its creation. This history is secure and distributed: it is shared by its various users, without any intermediary, which allows everyone to check the validity of the chain.

The decentralized and open nature of the blockchain, coupled with its security and transparency, promises much broader applications than the monetary field, in order to assess its capabilities but also its limits, it is important to simulate its operation. For this, a blockchain simulator has been developed within the Laboratory of Trusted, Intelligent and Self-Organizing Information Systems (LICIA) at CEA LIST.


The objective of this internship is to develop in Java an extension to the blockchain simulator for the Tendermint protocol [2] and to develop the different case studies using this extension to study the implications of the protocol.




  • MSc in Computer Engineering, 2019

    Sorbonne Université