
  • onder dot gurcan @ cea dot fr
  • CEA Paris-Saclay, Nano INNOV, Institut CARNOT CEA LIST, DRT/LIST/DILS/LICIA, Batiment 862 - Point Courrier 174, Gif-Sur-Yvette Cedex, 91191

What not to e-mail

E-mail is safe unless it contains programs (data and documents are fine, but programs are not). If you send me a program, I will not run it, as it could damage my system and could be a virus.

  • Note: Documents for Microsoft word, Excel, and possibly other Office programs tend to execute programs (scripts) in what you would expect to be harmless documents. These can expose my machine to viruses, because these programs do not (it seems) prevent scripts from running within a document when it is received by email. Please do not send me Microsoft Office documents.
  • If you are sending text, please send it as plain text, HTML, or PDF. If you use your favorite word process, slide tool, etc, and send it in that program's format, then you are forcing me install proprietary software on whatever machine I read them on.

What you can e-mail

These are all good document standards:

  • Plain text messages,
  • HTML (sometimes called rich text) pages without scripts,
  • Photos (JPEG files, PNG, GIF and SVG),
  • PDF, SMIL, RDF/XML, N3 and so on.

All these can be sent as messages or as attachments to messages. I can read them with a variety of software programs, and they cannot contain viruses, unless there is a serious bug in the code I use to read them. If you don't need anything else, then use plain text.

If you want me see your e-mail

Please use my full name in the "To" line with my e-mail address, as this will make your message look less like spam. This will happen automatically if you have me in your address book. If you just type in my e-mail address, I probably won't see your e-mail.